Alliant Manages Your Project with Care

At Alliant Technologies, we believe in doing more than just managing control solution projects. We believe in managing them with care and precision. Our approach to project management goes beyond conventional methodologies, integrating our technical expertise with a strong relational approach. This fusion allows us to tailor our services to suit each client’s unique needs.

The Alliant Partnership Framework

Our first step is providing a solid framework for effective project management. As experts in our field, we understand the importance of well-organized, time-limited stages. We divide each project into these stages, ensuring that every phase of the project is clearly defined and carefully planned. This structured approach helps us maintain focus on specific goals and timelines, and enables us to manage resources efficiently.

Our framework includes a simple process:

Step 1: Discovery – We’ll review your RFQ and plans – Ideally, a drawing is created and pre-approved

Step 2: We will build a scope of the work and present our proposal 

Step 3: Once approved, execution takes place, a PM is assigned to you for the duration of your project

Step 4: We display the final solution

Clearly Defining Transition Stages

The end of each stage marks another important milestone in our project management strategy – the Gate. The Gate acts as a checkpoint, ensuring that all predefined set of results for the specific stage is achieved before we move on to the next stage. This ensures that any potential problems can be addressed promptly, and all requirements are met.

Embracing Collaboration with Each Win

However, a Gate isn’t just a checkpoint, it’s a celebration of accomplishment. It signals the successful completion of a stage and brings everyone together for a Gate Meeting. In these meetings, we review project outcomes, celebrate successes, and collectively decide the next steps. The relational aspect of Alliant enables us to have open and honest discussions, always focused on achieving the best possible results for our clients.

Passage to the next gate depends upon completion of a predefined set of results requirements. These requirements are carefully crafted to fit each client’s unique business outcomes. They act as a roadmap, laying out the necessary steps that need to be achieved before moving forward.

At Alliant Technologies, our project management isn’t about ticking boxes or meeting arbitrary deadlines. It’s about guiding you through the intricate process of software and control systems, dividing it into manageable stages, and always maintaining a focus on business outcomes. More than just offering expert services, we believe in building relationships and working together towards success, one gate at a time.